Saturday, April 12, 2014



quite a lot to update, how to start?

ok- readme.SpamPoem is done, it is more to explore the spam language/culture as well as the autoreply as the medium to distribute artwork. See here:

But I am now also working on writeme.SpamPoem. What I want to do is to develop a generative work that utilize the entire spam poem pool. Currently, it randomly pick up a poem record, and then interact with the mouse movement. I want to replace the mouse movement with network / packet data, such that it comes an autonomous piece but also interact with the environment.

I am exploring various options such as carnivore lib as well as wireshark. I tend to use carnivore as it integrates pretty good with processing. For wireshark, it offers much more data, however, it will increase the complexity of the data file.

I download the latest carnivore lib and it doesn't really work with processing 2.1. It seems i have to install a backward version in order to support 32 bit. Here is the result:

Monday, April 7, 2014

The architecture of open data platform

Few things interest me that are closely related to real time technology:
1/ CKAN as an open source platform
2/ the real time module websocket server
3/ the event detection interface at postgresql

The other thing is the understanding of real time -> you require constant polling of request, this cause delay, but also still consider as real time/streaming data. 


Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Looking into json with processing, found two libraries that can do the job, but the syntax are quite different. One focus on the concept of json array and object, the other tries to DE-emphasize it. Both actually took me quite awhile to fix the minor details of array and object, as well as getting exact data.

The simple program is to connect with the open data from aarhus (literally it can be connect with other data that provide json as the data retrieval method)