Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Spambot and spammer

Theoretical side of the Spams

Turing back to the origin! Rethinking about Spam and see how much I can push forward to the artwork and the concept.

Spam as one of the common phenomenon in the network and digital culture. It gets hidden easily through the technique of spam filtering. It gets evolve as virus and can destroy/manipulate/misuse computer data once the users open it and execute it.

Spam - being both commodities and wastes

Inspiration / food for thoughts from the book "The Spam Book" (2009)
- 40% email traffic is spam
- 12.4 billion spam emails are sent daily
- regard as digital waste
- important part of network culture

- p.4: "Whether they are seen as novel business opportunities or playing the part of the unwanted in the emerging political scenarios of network futures, anomalous objects, far from being abnormal, are constantly made use of in a variety of contexts, across numerous scales."

-p.10: "proposed by Paul Virilio: that is a need to reverse the idea of accidents as contingent and substances as absolute and necessary. Virilio's apocalypitc take on Western media culture argues for the inclusion of the potential (and gradual actualization) of the general accident taht relates to a larger ontological shift undermining the spatio-temporal coordinates of culture."
"Virilio has argued that accidents should be seen as incidental to technologies and modernity. The stance recapitulates the idea that modern accidents do not happen through the force of an external influence, like a storm, but are much more accurately follow-ups or at least functionally connected with, the original design of that technology."

-p.165: "spam remains an integral part of the everyday experiences of Internet usage" "spam is sent to massive address datbases and circulated internationally" "Spam promotes everything from irresistible mortgage bargains to fast access to .....from ready-made college diplomas to lottery award notifications, and commercial pornography sites."

- p.167: "According to Gillian Reynolds and Catrina Alferoff, in the United Kingdom, "demographic detail, income, sending and credit card transactions, as well as court judgements, are logged into databases and subsequently merged with other databases files from lifestyle questionnaires, retailer returns and market research."

Spam research

Spam Filtering Technique: http://www.slideshare.net/UmarAlharaky/spam-filtering

Text color spam:

Details of network: http://r-s-g.org/carnivore/etcservices-short.txt

ftp  21/tcp
fsp  21/udp  fspd
ssh  22/tcp    # SSH Remote Login Protocol
ssh  22/udp    # SSH Remote Login Protocol
telnet  23/tcp
smtp  25/tcp  mail
domain  53/tcp  nameserver # name-domain server
domain  53/udp  nameserver
www  80/tcp  http  # WorldWideWeb HTTP
www  80/udp    # HyperText Transfer Protocol
pop-2  109/tcp  postoffice # POP version 2
pop-2  109/udp
pop-3  110/tcp    # POP version 3
pop-3  110/udp
imap2  143/tcp  imap  # Interim Mail Access Proto v2
imap2  143/udp  imap
https  443/tcp    # MCom
https  443/udp    # MCom


Friday, July 4, 2014

Thinking towards writeme.SpamPoem

The proposal has been accepted in the coming Writing Machine Exhibition in Oct 2014. Yesterday I had a discussion with Hector, where I explain in more details about my concept on mutability and unpredictability. He uses these terms instead: unpredictability, indeterminacy and temporarily. He originally thoughts my concept relates to John's cage randomness.

One of the things that we share is the relationship between concepts/processual and visual representation. Here we both tried to avoid using the term 'visualization', and he aware the term 'translation' is also not the best term to describe the visual presentation. It is because the materiality of computational processes, perhaps, is difficult to represent in visual or even hardly fully translate. He then raise - these processual concepts might able to give a new dimension/thinking of visual. To reframe it, the question is: how to represent the system dynamics through visual representation? or it can never be able to do so? We both see the tensions there - audience understanding, visual representation, the black box of computation. He gave me lots of freedom to decide what I will ultimately select, I feel a lot of trust in between us.

But also because of this, I revisit the project again and started to look at the notion of unpredictability in computer science term. It seems hardly avoid chaos theory, but I will never able to understand due to the complexity of mathematics. Therefore, I need to have a high level understanding of the relationship between: unpredictability, determinacy, dynamics and indeterminacy.

To me, the new work is more about thinking the materiality of network, software and data, this relations are regarded as assemblages which involve both human and nonhuman agents. At one point, human can initiate an intervention, but the software itself will also automatically trigger different data traffic which is invisible to the audience.

Writeme.SpamPoem, - by showing the both the readme.spampoem and visual in parallel, audience might start unpack the parameters, values and inter/intra-action that involves in the work.
